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Letter "H" » Herm Edwards Quotes
«I think it would be one-third either way. I think what we've been able to do is expose ourselves to all our players and get a better idea about some of those guys who were in the middle tier.»
Author: Herm Edwards
«This year, it was 19. It's always around that, somewhere around there. The average is probably going to be a third of your team. Is that a lot? I don't think that's a lot. ... We're going to get some guys back.»
Author: Herm Edwards
«We like what he's done. He makes some errors, but all young players make some errors. The thing about him is that he is playing the left side and that's big when you can find a left tackle that you feel can play the position. That's a plus for us.»
Author: Herm Edwards
«Obviously, he had some opportunities. But he felt his best opportunity right now as a coach was to go to Washington. I wish him a lot of luck. He's done a great job here with our offense.»
Author: Herm Edwards
«You try to make a guy stand in front of him to spy. And that looks good on paper. Yeah, right, ... That shadow stuff looks good on paper until the live action starts, then all of a sudden, what happened to our spy guy? He just missed him the last three times, and (Vick's) still running. ... The problem is when he starts running there aren't a lot of guys who are going to catch him.»
Author: Herm Edwards
«They didn't see who threw the punch, ... I wasn't going to tell. I'm not a tattletale.»
Author: Herm Edwards
«I wasn't going to put the quarterback (Brooks Bollinger) in harm's way any longer and I wasn't going to send our defense out there again by turning the ball over, okay?»
Author: Herm Edwards
«They didn't see who threw the punch. I wasn't going to tell. I'm not a tattletale.»
Author: Herm Edwards
«He just got a little tired, playing special teams. We have to give him a little more rest on special teams. He's done a good job, but he did a good job last year when he had to step into Victor Hobson's position.»
Author: Herm Edwards
«You try to make a guy stand in front of him to spy. And that looks good on paper. Yeah, right. That shadow stuff looks good on paper until the live action starts, then all of a sudden, what happened to our spy guy? He just missed him the last three times, and (Vick's) still running. ... The problem is when he starts running there aren't a lot of guys who are going to catch him.»
Author: Herm Edwards

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