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Letter "G" » Greg Aiello Quotes
«It's just the way the schedule worked out this year. There are a lot of factors that go into these things.»
Author: Greg Aiello
«Mr. Wilson is a strong advocate and passionate. We're very aware of his views and the governor's views about how important the Bills are. We're working with all 32 clubs to make sure revenue sharing works for all the teams.»
Author: Greg Aiello
«We are aware of the concerns of Mr. Wilson and Gov. Pataki. In the months ahead, we'll be spending a great deal of time with our clubs, ensuring the extended collective bargaining agreement and the related revenue-sharing arrangements work for all 32 teams.»
Author: Greg Aiello
«As a league, we have to ... protect our most valuable rights, which is game footage.»
Author: Greg Aiello
«We had to have someone with instant credibility. I said, 'I have somebody who would be perfect for the job.' No one disagreed.»
Author: Greg Aiello
«There's no opportunity for him to play at all.»
Author: Greg Aiello
«That falls under the confidentiality provisions of the program. His status is unchanged in that he continues to be under suspension.»
Author: Greg Aiello
«Based on the information presented by Reggie Bush's attorney, our office has advised the attorney to consider referring these matters to law enforcement authorities.»
Author: Greg Aiello
«If a team gives permission to a player to shop himself around or speak to other teams, the player can discuss contract issues with other teams. There's no trade and no contract until the teams agree to a trade.»
Author: Greg Aiello
«Our thoughts are with the Herrion family and the 49ers. We will be in contact with the 49ers to learn the details of what happened.»
Author: Greg Aiello

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