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Letter "G" » Greg Aiello Quotes
«It's because there is a chance that he may be totally out of the playoffs. If they don't win, the season would be over and you wouldn't have interfered with their season.»
Author: Greg Aiello
«We're very pleased with the overall state of our officiating.»
Author: Greg Aiello
«Passions run high this time of year. The main thing is, Pittsburgh won the game. It could've been worse.»
Author: Greg Aiello
«We are aware of the situation and we're cooperating with police in any way we can.»
Author: Greg Aiello
«We are not extending the telecast to more markets because we want to adhere as closely as possible to the spirit of our longstanding policy not to conflict with high school and college football during their seasons [which means Friday night and Saturday],»
Author: Greg Aiello
«We would love to televise it nationally, but we are not in a position to do so, ... There is a federal law that restricts our ability to televise games on Friday nights and Saturday during the high school and college football seasons.»
Author: Greg Aiello
«We think it's important to be proactive and do everything we can to protect our fans. We've conducted millions of these security screenings since 9/11, ... We've been told repeatedly by security experts that our games are an attractive target.»
Author: Greg Aiello
«We don't spend any time looking at their figures, ... We think it's irrelevant and it's purely a publicity gimmick. There are more women and minorities working in the NFL than ever, and diversity in our workplace is an important league priority.»
Author: Greg Aiello
«We think it's reasonable and in the best interest of the players, ... Without it, you would have more kids leaving school early, dropping out of the educational system to pursue a career in NFL unsuccessfully. They're going to have some agent telling them they are better than they are.»
Author: Greg Aiello
«You can't project how they're going to do until they're full grown, ... The physical, mental and emotional demands for an NFL player are extraordinary. That's why you see relatively few underclassmen reach the NFL and succeed. Even if you lowered the age limit, that fact wouldn't change.»
Author: Greg Aiello

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