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Letter "C" » Chris Jones Quotes
«We realized, coming out of this season, the bar can be set higher for us. I'd say we are at least three to four steps away from that championship level.»
Author: Chris Jones
«Besides missing their leadership, our biggest kids are our seniors. With them being gone, it means we have to change our style a little bit. We have got skill players moving up from the lower levels, but not a ton of size.»
Author: Chris Jones
«(Smith) came on in that second half of the year. With him being a senior next year, he'll have that sense of urgency and we expect big things out of him.»
Author: Chris Jones
«They also came on, so next year we have a good nucleus of five or six guys with varsity experience. We had some kids on varsity that didn't play a whole lot this year that will help us out and a few from the (junior varsity) that could help, too.»
Author: Chris Jones
«They played a heck of a game.»
Author: Chris Jones
«It added to the cost of the project, but we just felt it was the right thing to do.»
Author: Chris Jones
«We run the gamut. We've had jobs from $6,000 to $200,000.»
Author: Chris Jones
«They used to go through the parking lot at 30 mph, zip around the corner, then be gone.»
Author: Chris Jones
«We are going to work very hard to ensure as high a turnout as possible. We're going to try to set up a voting station at O-Hill on Thursday and we're going to stuff mailboxes.»
Author: Chris Jones
«I think we're taking steps in the right direction. Not in my wildest dreams did I think their maturation would come this quick.»
Author: Chris Jones

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