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War & Conflicts
Category: /History
American Civil War was probably the most important period of arms development in history. The Civil War was appropriately called “the last of the ancient wars and first of the modern wars”. This was because many revolutionary breakthroughs occurred
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Category: /History
failure of the Weimar Republic of Germany and the ascent of Hitler's National Socialist German Workers Party into power on January 30, 1933. Various conflicting problems were concurrent with the result of a Republic that, from the outset, its first gover
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Category: /History
and eleventh century were weak and merely Primus inter pares, appears a valid one. There has been a trend ever since the age of Charlemagne for the position of the kings of the Frankish State to be fragile. There are some historians however; who would
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Category: /History
1950's matured into adulthood in the 1970's. They realized the mistakes made by earlier generations and were not too shy to speak up about them. The mistreatment of women, African Americans, and other minorities were recognized and acts of the governme
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Category: /History
central Europe, bordered on the north by the North Sea. West Germany had an area of 248,577 sq. km (95,976 sq. miles). It was established officially as the Federal Republic of Germany on May 23, 1949, as one of two successor states—East Germany (official
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Category: /History
it’s horrible. We demolished the very essence of some African tribes on purpose. We introduced a new and wonderful religion, and destroyed their very way of life. We told them, as if we really knew, that their gods were false. We said we have the
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Category: /History
"Fall of the Roman Empire" until 1000 A.D., transpired in a series of events involving the actions and movements of many peoples across the continent. This period of history following the Fall and preceding the High Middle Ages was a chaotic time
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Category: /History
factors that have changed the course of Western European history. Two of those main factors were the inventions of the chest harness for the horse and the three-field system of agriculture.
The harness for the horses of the early middle ages
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Category: /History
Expansion has often been regarded as the central theme of American history, down to the end of the19th century and as the main factor in the shaping of American history. As Frederick Jackson Turner says, the greatest force or influence in shaping America
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Category: /History
wanted absolute rule. Both countries wanted absolutism in the form of a Monarchy, with the king being the single ruler. However, France succeeded and obtained absolutism but England was forced into a more constitutional form of government where
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